Inua Mama Initiative

The Inua Mama Initiative is dedicated to the economic empowerment of women through targeted sensitization forums on Access to Government Funding Opportunities (AGPO) and Income Generating Activities (IGAs). This initiative is designed to address the specific needs of women in these communities by providing comprehensive entrepreneurship mentorship and facilitating greater access to livelihood opportunities. Through these forums, participants gain invaluable skills and resources essential for starting, managing, and growing successful businesses. The program also aims to foster a supportive environment that encourages financial independence, resilience, and sustainable economic growth among women, ultimately contributing to the broader goals of community development and gender equality.


  1. Assist women in understanding the concept of a business and its importance.
  2. Educate participants on how to generate and start a business idea.
  3. Discuss the factors to consider before starting a business and how to plan effectively.
  4. Provide information on acquiring funds and navigating government funding opportunities.

Training Topics

  1. Business Identification and Selection
  2. Characteristics of a Good Entrepreneur
  3. Generating Business Ideas
  4. Determining a Viable Business
  5. Record Keeping
  6. Sources of Business Funds
  7. Access to Government Funding Opportunities (AGPO)
  8. Qualification for Procurement Opportunities
    • Definition of enterprises eligible for procurement opportunities.
    • Specific registration requirements for the AGPO program for women.
  9. Available Government Funds for Women
    • Information on the Kilifi County Mbegu Fund, Uwezo Fund, Women Enterprise Fund, and Youth Enterprise Fund.


  1. Increased Knowledge and Understanding of Business
    • Women gained a better understanding of business concepts, generating ideas, and identifying viable business opportunities.
  2. Improved Access to Livelihood Opportunities
    • Participants learned how to access government funds and livelihood opportunities, enhancing their economic stability.
  3. Action Towards Ending Gender-Based Violence
    • Enhanced awareness and actions towards addressing and ending gender-based violence (GBV) among participants.


  1. Kilifi County

Donors and Partners

  • Aga Khan Foundation East Africa
  • U.S Embassy, Nairobi
  • Government Bodies

Program Beneficiaries

  • Women in Chamas

Empowerment and Support Program for HIV Positive Teen Mothers

The Empowerment and Support Program for HIV-Positive Teenage Mothers addresses the numerous challenges faced by young mothers living with HIV. These challenges include maintaining adherence to ARV treatment for themselves and their infants, difficulties with exclusive breastfeeding, lack of emotional and financial support, fears and guilt related to potentially infecting their babies, experiencing double stigma from being both HIV-positive and young mothers, financial instability, school dropout, and the risk of unintended disclosure of their HIV status. Connect To Retain runs this program in Kwale, Kilifi, and Lamu counties, offering entrepreneurship opportunities and comprehensive support. This initiative aims to empower these young mothers by providing them with essential skills in financial literacy, life skills, and entrepreneurship, enabling them to start and grow their own businesses. Additionally, the program offers a revolving fund to help them kickstart income-generating activities and supports those who wish to return to school.


  1. Improve Adherence to ARV Treatment
    • Provide support to ensure consistent adherence to ARV treatment for both mothers and their infants.
  2. Promote Exclusive Breastfeeding
    • Offer guidance and support for exclusive breastfeeding practices.
  3. Provide Emotional and Financial Support
    • Create a support network to address emotional and financial needs.
  4. Reduce Stigma and Guilt
    • Implement interventions to reduce the stigma associated with HIV and young motherhood and help alleviate feelings of guilt.
  5. Enhance Financial Stability
    • Equip young mothers with the skills and resources needed for financial independence.
  6. Encourage Educational Continuation
    • Support teenage mothers who choose to return to school.

Program Components

  1. Entrepreneurship Training
    • Provide training in financial literacy, life skills, and entrepreneurship to equip young mothers with the skills to operate and grow a business.
  2. Revolving Fund
    • Establish a revolving fund that allows teenage mothers to borrow money to start income-generating activities (IGAs).
  3. Emotional Support
    • Offer counseling and peer support groups to address emotional and psychological needs.
  4. Educational Support
    • Assist teenage mothers who wish to be readmitted to school by providing necessary resources and support.
  5. Health and Nutrition Guidance
    • Provide guidance on health and nutrition to ensure the well-being of both mothers and their infants.

Project Outcomes

  1. Enhanced Adherence to ARV Treatment
    • Improved adherence to ARV treatment among teenage mothers and their infants.
  2. Increased Financial Independence
    • Empowered young mothers through entrepreneurship, leading to increased financial stability.
  3. Reduced Stigma
    • Decreased stigma associated with HIV and young motherhood through community engagement and support.
  4. Continued Education
    • Increased number of teenage mothers readmitted to school, leading to better educational outcomes.
  5. Improved Health Outcomes
    • Better health and nutritional status for both mothers and their infants.


  • Kwale County
  • Kilifi County
  • Lamu County

Donors and Partners

  • Local and Personal Donations by Friends of Connect To Retain

Program Beneficiaries

  • HIV-Positive Teenage Mothers
  • Their Infants and Families
  • Local Communities