Connect To Retain (C2R) is a community-based organization based in Kilifi County, Kenya, that conducts high quality policy-relevant programs on health, education, entrepreneurship and related development issues across the coastal region of Kenya. We actively engage policy makers and other key stakeholders to achieve measurable policy impacts and ensure decision making across the county is informed by rigorous evidence-based research.


Menstrual hygiene is fundamental to the dignity and wellbeing of women and girls. MHM has an impact on development as it has implications on the life of girls and women related to health, education, work, mobility and security. The inadequacy of proper sanitation facilities and affordable hygiene materials for use by girls and women of reproductive age at home, at school and at workplaces, affects their health, their potential to access education, employment, overall safety and quality of life. Globally SDGs 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 12 are important in supporting safe and dignifying Menstrual Hygiene Management. These goals support empowerment and education of women and girls through promoting healthy MHM. There also exist systemic factors that impact the quality of MHM: social norms, political will policies and quality health services. Kenya has launched its first Menstrual Hygiene Management Policy 2019-2030.

Through Y-Act and other Kilifi County SRH Coalition members, Connect To Retain is currently taking Lead in the Domestication of the National Menstrual Hygiene Policy for Kilifi County. The coalition’s sole purpose is to facilitate meaningful engagement in order to advocate and influence policy makers to include youth agendas in the County policies. The coalition is a caucus of 15 youth led and youth serving organizations.

Kilifi County MHM Policy Writing team
Presentation during the Policy Writing Team Seminar
Presentation during the Writing Team Seminar
MHM Key Messages Development Workshop